Thursday, March 1, 2007

Friday, February 23, 2007— CODEPINK Disrupts Clinton Fundraiser,

Read all about it at

As we were escorted out there were two of us peacefully escorted out and as I was being escorted out I shouted 'Hillary please stop funding this war'", Abileah said. "I want her to hear that message and there was a woman in the audience who reached behind and got me in the jaw and had her hands in my mouth. There were two women who were guests of the hotel and also stood up and disrupted during Hillary's speech. We were detained for the rest of the event and we were sited and released after the event was over. What a small price to pay to be detained for a few hours. When we think about our Iraqi sisters and brothers and what US soldiers are facing every day. —Rae Abileah

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