Tuesday, May 29, 2007

NYC Operation First Casualty a Success!

“Truth is the first casualty of war. We’re bringing the truth of the war home.”
-Demond Mullins, member of Iraq Veterans Against the War NYC Chapter
New York, NY – Today members of Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) staged simulation military operations throughout the New York City area to give fellow Americans a glimpse of the day-to-day realities of the Iraq War.
“By reenacting what we’ve been through in Iraq we hope to inspire more of our fellow Americans to act to end the war now,” said IVAW member Adam Kokesh. Actual veterans of the conflict in Iraq played their part of American service members, dramatically interacting with non-veteran supporters playing civilians.
In full uniform IVAW members performed searches, detentions, squad patrol, and crowd control operations in locations that included Central Park, Times Square, Union Square and Grand Army Plaza. They also stopped at Ground Zero for a solemn ceremony.
This day coincides with a national observance of Memorial Day (Monday, May 28), which bears particular significance in the midst of the fifth year of a war that has claimed the lives of over 3,300 American service members and over 655,000 Iraqis.
“This Administration should expect to see more of us – soldiers and veterans tired of the lies. We’re going to make the truth of this war visible,” said IVAW member and Operation First Casualty participant Paul Abernathy.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Did your Congressperson Vote for the "Out of Iraq" McGovern Bill?

If not,
call your Congressperson
NOW and demand
to know why s/he is not supporting a peace strategy.
Last week also marked another crucial turning point in our anti-war work. Congress had a chance to reflect the overwhelming public sentiment against the war in Iraq by voting on a bill that calls for troops to begin withdrawal in 90 days and complete it in 180 days. We were delighted to see 171 members of Congress vote for the bill, including the vast majority of Democrats and two Republicans. This is a victory for the anti-war movement--these votes were cast due to our non-stop pressure in the halls of Congress and districts around the country! To our great dismay, 59 Democrats refused to vote for an orderly redeployment of troops from Iraq. Six out of ten Americans want a timetable for withdrawal; among Democrats, that figure rises to over 90%. Moreover, a majority of the Iraqi Parliament just voted on a resolution for a timetable for withdrawal of US troops.

Call your Congressperson
today at:
(800) 828-0498
Democrats who refused to vote for an orderly redeployment of troops from Iraq, based on McGovern bill vote on May 10, 2007
59 - Democrats
Altmire (PA)
Barrow (GA)
Bean (IL)
Berkley (NV)
Berman (CA)
Bishop (GA)
Boren (OK)
Boswell (IA)
Boucher VA
Boyd (FL)
Boyda (KS)
Cardoza (CA)
Carney (PA)
Chandler (KY)
Cooper (TN)
Costa (CA)
Cramer (AL)
Cuellar (TX)
Davis, Lincoln (TN)
Donnelly (IN)
Edwards (TX)

Ellsworth (IN)
Etheridge (NC)
Giffords (AZ)
Gordon (TN)
Green, Gene (TX)
Herseth Sandlin (SD)
Hill (IN)
Holden (PA)
Hoyer (MD)
Kind (WI)
Lampson (TX)
Lipinski (IL)
Mahoney (FL)
Marshall (GA)
Matheson (UT)
McIntyre (NC)
McNerney (CA)
Melancon (LA)
Mitchell (AZ)
Moore (KS)

Ortiz (TX)
Peterson (MN)
Pomeroy (ND)
Rodriguez (TX)
Ross (AR)
Ruppersberger (MD)
Salazar (CO)
Schwartz (PA)
Scott (GA)
Shuler (NC)
Skelton (MO)
Snyder (AR)
Space (OH)
Spratt (SC)
Tanner (TN)
Taylor (MS)
Udall (CO)
Wilson (OH)

4 - Democrats absent from vote:

Brady (PA)
Brown, Corrine (FL)
Engel (NY)
Fattah (PA)

Thursday, May 3, 2007